Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Grayer part of BH's memory

JuW: Who is this?
JL: Corinne Bailey Rae.
JuW: What is she? Is she black?
JL: But she's light skinned. Light Black.
BH: That's like BM's song, "lighter shades of gray".

Christmas theological debates

(about the meaning of Noel)
EuL: I think it means Christmas.
JW: God with us?
BH: Hahahahah, that's Emmanuel.
EiL (after googling it): It means Christmas.
JL: That makes sense, "The first Noel".
EuL: Hmm, what does Hark mean?
EmL: I think it's the angel's name. You know, Gabriel, Hark.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Because Plastic is Much More Comfortable Than Cotton...

[talking about wrapped sour candy sticks]

RY: Why don’t you stick them in your pocket. They won’t fit in my purse.
DVJ: But when I walk up to the ticket guy, he’ll be like, “why are your pants crinkling?!”
RY: You can tell him that it’s because you wear plastic underwear
DVJ: Yeah, that’s true.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thanks for the compliment!

Client: Oh, I'm such a retard at computer things! You're so good at it!
TC: That's ok. There's plenty of things I don't know anything about.
Client: Yea, I can only imagine!
TC: (funny look on face behind client)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

we can set it up

BM: "What's gonna happen in 2007?"
MJ: "BM's gonna get a girlfriend....courtesy of MJ. No, I mean....."

Friday, December 01, 2006

only being polite

MJ: "How was work? You look so tired."
SS: "I don't want to talk about it."
MJ: "Yeah, me neither."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No, really, you shouldn't have

BH: "Hey, JW, can you spot me a dollar?"
JW: "Sure."
BH: "Thanks. Sorry. Happy Birthday, man."

Monday, November 27, 2006

*cricket* *cricket* *cricket*...

someone post something!!!
don't let it die! never let go!!!
say it with me... "i'll never let go!"

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

i'm sure NAVY sweatshirts are hard to find tho

(Talking about an ARMY sweatshirt)

JW: "Whose sweatshirt is this?"
MJ: "Mine. You know you can't buy those in stores? I got it at a thrift store."
JW: "Can't you buy it at an Army surplus store?"
MJ: ".............yeah."

Saturday, September 23, 2006

we broke their marketing code

(talking about Frosted Flakes)
DVJ: "Have you ever had this without sugar? It's nasty."
PC: "What? They have sugarless ones?"
DVJ: "Yeah, it's called cornflakes."

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

because other women carry purses because they're purty

(As RY is handing MJ her wallet, cell phone, blackberry, Bible, and keys)

RY: "Why don't you get a purse?"
MJ: "It's too much trouble."

Monday, September 11, 2006

hairy plasmas

DVJ: "Your hair grows fast."
JW: "Maybe that's my spiritual gift."
DVJ: "Yeah, maybe you're like Samsung."

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

when you pretend you're a superhero

(driving into the new office's underground parking garage)

BH: "Dude, I love this new office. It's like you're driving into your own private cave."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New York New York

Sparky: where is the hotel?
MJ: Upper Left Side

Monday, August 21, 2006

how does LL feel?

(during his best man toast, talking about singing at his own wedding)

LC: "Not a day goes by that I don't look back on my wedding day and cringe."

heartfelt thanks

(NS to SS at the end of TC/JT's wedding banquet)

NS: "Thanks for everything you did! It was awesome! Umm, what did you do?"

Monday, August 14, 2006

obviousness, part trois

JW: "Do you know him?"
EuL: "Yeah, he was my junior high advisor when I was in junior high."


(while praying)
MJ: "Thank you for letting us eat lunch in the middle of the day."

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

sounds like it's spelled

DVJ: "Do you know what luffa's are made out of?"
SS: "Sponges."
DVJ: "Nope. Grod. Wait, what is it called? G-O-U-R-D"
SC: "Gourd?"

yup, those will get you pregnant

(after MJ finds out that fraternal twins are genetic and identical twins are not)

MJ: "Man, I wanted to marry someone with identical twins in their family so I could have twins! Now I can't!"
DVJ: "You still can. Just take fraternity drugs."

how to force gender identity on others

DVJ: "Men are better at directions, but women are better at remembering landmarks."
SS: "But I'm good at directions."

Sunday, August 06, 2006

how high is high?

DVJ: "I have a high IQ."
MJ (trying to test DVJ): "What does IQ stand for?"
DVJ: "Intelligence quota."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Real life ninjas...

[EH, DVJ & JN jump up and start running away like ninjas... hunched over carrying “swords”]

EH: “When I was little, and a ninja, I used to dream about ... uhhh...”

[then EH jumps up starts yelling *poof* while he’s throwing down something to create a cloud of smoke and runs away as if he “disappears”] <--- this happens multiple times

Ebony magazine is difficult to read...

DVJ: "At my work, we have Latina & Ebonics magazines
DVJ: "I grew up with white English"

Another name for “celebrity gossip” magazines...

SS: Pam, give me some of your dirty magazines!

Monday, July 24, 2006

yes, I'll agree with that

(deciding what movie to watch)

JT: "Let's watch Titanic!"
Guys: "Noooooooooooooooooo!"
BH: "C'mon! It's the #1 grossest movie of all time!"

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

time as measured by distance

(coworkers TH and ML talking about ML's new job)

TH: "How far away is your new work?"
ML: "20 miles."
TH: "20 miles, that's not bad."
BH: "Dude, with traffic, 30 miles."

Monday, July 17, 2006

Poker is a very revealing game

(while playing poker, TC doesn't believe that Ts has a straight...)

TC: "Ts, you are not a straight man."
Ts: "No, I'm not..."

cause drinking out of a goblet isn't as good

DVJ: "The best way to drink Chimay [a Belgium beer] is to drink it out of a gauntlet."

Saturday, July 15, 2006

when in doubt, make up a saying

BH: "Man, LC is a smart guy."
BH: "JL is smart too."
BH: "Like minds hang out alike."

Friday, July 07, 2006

BH on theology

(talking to TC about doing something for someone for free)

BH: "Don't do that. They'll never learn; they'll keep thinking that God provides."
JW: "What? Who is this?"
BH: "Oh, some guy who goes to some church. They talk a lot about God stuff there."

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

on school grades

BH: "It's not like I get C's on purpose. I'm just relaxing."

just outside his realm of knowledge

DVJ: "What's that drink called?"
RY: "Sangria."

(10 min later)

DVJ: "You guys should try some Sanhedrin."

(10 min later)

DVJ: "That Sanregis is really good."

Monday, July 03, 2006

what The "Dark" Knight drives

(RY sees a Lotus Elise that is an ugly color)
RY: "If they painted it black, it would look like the Blackmobile."

I think they call it a murse

(talking about eating at Sizzler and what to do with the never-ending shrimp)

TC: "It'd be awesome if I had a purse!"

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Be True To Yourself

(After BM's coffee night gig last nite, the staff offers us free shirts)

STAFF: Large or X-Large?
BM: Do you have a medium?
STAFF: I don't think guys should wear small sizes. We only have large and x-large anyway.
BM: But I'm a small man... wait... that didn't sound good...

proving your point

(earlier everyone found out JW did well on the LSAT)

BM: "What're we doing tomorrow? Not it."
TC: "Not it."
RY: "Not it."
BM: "You think of something, Mr. LSAT."
TC: "Yeah, cuz apparently, we can't think it."

Monday, June 19, 2006

yeah, cuz THAT's real

(talking about McDonald's monopoly)
(ML is a coworker)
ML: "My aunt used to work at a recycling company. One time she found a stack of LA Times with the free pieces in them and we must've opened and ripped out 1000 monopoly pieces. The best prize we won was a mug. Imagine the chances of buying the pieces and winning."

BH: "Hey, you never know. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Piss is an acquired taste

BH: I love Red Bull.
TC: Gross, Red Bull tastes like piss!
BH: It's an acquired taste... if you taste piss and drink it enough, you'll like it...
TC: Uhh...

Glitter Transfer

(At EL4's graduation after-party)

TC: Dude, BH, you got glitter on your lip.

(BH points to girlfriend, EL3)

BH: It's from her...
TC: Uhh... whoa, BH!
JL: We need to have a talk after this...

(BH denials drowned in everyone else's laughter)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Capt’n Obvious part deux!

[talking about overnight shipping]
BM: How long will it take to get here?
Everyone: Um... overnight?!

[talking about hush puppies]
JL: So what does it taste like?
BM: It’s hard to describe. It’s kind of like when you eat it, you’ll be like, it’s hard to describe...
JL: (to WJ) So how would you describe it?
WJ: Fried cornbread

[talking about the daiquiri drive thru place]
JL: What is that?
BM: It’s like an alcoholic slurpee
JL: I was talking about the drive thru! I know what a daiquiri is!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Oh, WOW!

While driving in New Orleans...

BM: Oh, WOW!
TC: Huh?

(TC looks back, sees restaurant: World Of Wings)

TC: Oh.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

on celebrity sightings

BH: "I've seen a lot of celebrities."
DVJ: "Really, like who?"
BH: "Like.....Kobe Bryant. Oh wait, I saw him at a game."

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Because it's rare to find at the beach...

JT: Hey! There's sand everywhere!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What radiation therapists do...

[talking about patients]

KW: So you just press a button & radar these people?
DVJ: Yeah ... oh wait

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

TC: This is gonna go on the blog isn't it? Maaaan...

[JC is talking about how his boss said the immigrants protest on May 1st was some sort of Mexican parade]

TC: Yeah, it should be called CINCO DE UNO

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hui School of Medicine

ML: "Your body can take a shock if your body temperature changes too much."
BH: "Yeah, like if your fever is too high and you get dumped in an ice chest."

*confused looks*

JW: "Who dumps you into an ice chest?"
BH: "The doctor. At the emergency room. If your fever's too high, what's he gonna do? He's gonna dump you into an ice chest."

Friday, April 21, 2006

Field of Dreams

TC: I wanna play baseball.
JT: Do you have bats and mittens?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

why we love BH

BH: "Man, I'm so full. I feel like I'm eating out of vain."
RY: "You mean 'in vain'?"


[16:44] JW: you busy sat night?
[16:44] BH: during the day yes

Monday, April 17, 2006

baby expert

(referring to Rebekah)

BH: "She's a lot more observant now.
It's cuz she's getting older.
That's what happens."

Friday, April 14, 2006

Guys get PMS too...

BM: Ehhh ... I don’t feel good... maybe it’s that time of the month...

Monday, April 03, 2006

we have a new winner

Someone mentions Tennessee...

JT: "Where's Tennessee?"

< various ppl comment on how Californians don't know where anything is.>

MJ: "Southwest of Virginia."
NS: "What city is Yale in?"
MJ: "New Haven."
DVJ: "Is that near New Hamster?"

Saturday, April 01, 2006

the latest technologies

RY: "Do you have a Zip drive? Or a CB jurner?"

Friday, March 31, 2006

Transhi's Twin? ... Future Self?...

Transhi now...

Transhi in 10 years...

Monday, March 27, 2006


JN: "MJ, stop using your brain!"
MJ: "I'm not!"

what can brown do for you?

when the BM pics from the HOB concert are too big to email, send a package.....

MJ: i will put them on a little thing that u stcik in ur ups box


JW: "I only want to hang out with people smarter than me."
MJ: "Then you shouldn't hang out with me, cuz I'm smarter than you."
MJ: "Wait, what'd you say?"

you got something on your shirt

JT: "You wear your feelings on the cuff of your sleeve."

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Anti-fogging contacts would be good...

While drinking hot water...

1st sip:
BM: Woa! my contacts are fogging up!?!
2nd sip:
BM: Woa!!! my contacts are fogging up!??
3rd sip:
BM: Oh... I’m wearing glasses

Monday, February 20, 2006

public pockets only please

MJ: Don't touch my private pockets!

surprise surprise!

MJ: My future husband's gonna have it easy... just ask Jeff!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Differences between men & women...

Talking about the reproductive organs...

JT: What do men have that women don’t?
Guys: Uhhh...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

he's from Oregon

DVJ: "That's the secret, man, in order to make money, you gotta sell drugs."

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

sorry, i'm not into that

(ed. note: MJ is not married and has a brother who is married.)

Asking about potential future spouse criteria...

MJ: "So what language does she have to speak?"
JW: "Mandarin."
MJ: "My sister-in-law speaks Mandarin!"

Friday, January 27, 2006

when good ideas go bad

Eating at Costco...

BH: "Man, if I was homeless, I'd come here. $1.50 everyday for lunch."
BH: "If I had to go to the bathroom, just go to a hotel."
BH: "You can sleep in the 24 hr Kinkos."
BH: "If you need to take a shower, just go by the beach, and bring a bar of soap. I mean, you wouldn't be naked, just wear your swimming trunks."

Everyone else: "Man, you should write a book."

BH: "Yeah, man, we should write a book for homeless people and we'll get rich."

BH: "It'll give them purpose. How to be a better one. When one homeless sees a more successful homeless, he'll be like, 'Dude, I want to be like THAT homeless.'"

Thursday, January 26, 2006

When a rebel isn't a rebel...

Talking about going into work late...

BH: Man... you're a rebel!
JW: I'm not a rebel... I've gone in late all week!

Evening Banter...

TW: Shhhh! Silence is golden
RY: Stop being so stubborn
TW: You stop being so stubborn
RY: You’re the “leader”... Next time I see you, I’m gonna salute!
TW: You never listen!!! I'm B.O.S.S.Y.
RY: What does that mean?! Oh...
KW: I listen! Most people say, “I’m here!” but TW says, “Come down” and I say “Okay!”

O.K. U.S.A.!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Monday, January 23, 2006

Round 1... FIGHT!

Sundays @ 1:00pm sharp
Almansor Park in Alhambra

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Another Close Call...

Re: 24 ... the untold story ...
Time: 01:19am
Location: CTU Alhambra
Via: Email

KW: “I just wanted to let you two know that I came home from Ontario Airport safely. I was watching the action on the plane while Jack Bauer plots to rescue everyone. Phew. ~KW”

KW is okay. Repeat. KW is okay...

Re: Update
Time: 16:39pm
Location: CTU Alhambra
Via: Email

KW: "I landed only a few hours after the hostage stand off. I did really want to meet Jack though. In any case, I have a good idea of where that yellow tie guy is too. I could help."

We have a man (woman) on the inside. I repeat. We have KW on the inside. She can QB for us.

Monday, January 16, 2006

He's not the Pillsbury dough boy

NS: "It's fun to poke at you."

Some mistakes are forever remembered

While TC is taking JT to the place where he is going to propose... JW pops out.

JW: "Hey, you guys got the matches?!"

Okay, I'll try, but I don't think it'll work

KS: "You should cut your hair so it's less hairy."

Yup, cuz THAT's his name

BM: "Have you seen The Village?"
KS: "Oh, that's by Midnight Shamalamaya."

Sunday, January 08, 2006

No, it's adamantium

NS: "Wow, that's a nice foosball table. What is it made of? Chronium? Oh, wait, is it Chronum?"

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I don't wanna know

KS: "Joe, you look better with your clothes on."

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The trip, not when you couldn't sleep!

JW: Oh man, I’m really tired. I couldn’t sleep last night. I think I’m still jetlagged.
TS: Where did you go?
JW: The internet