Sunday, June 22, 2008

In Memory of the Spoon that Fell...

(buying shaved ice)

RY: *grabs 2 spoons*
JW: Oh, they already gave us spoons
RY: It's okay, you never know what's going to transpire
JW: Yeah, that's right... like if we were walking along and see 2 abandoned bowls of shaved ice on the street
RY: That's right
JW: God works in mysterious ways.
JW: You gotta be ready! God wants to move in your life but you have to be ready for it.
RY: I'm ready! I'm ready! *holds up the spoons* See?!

(keeps walking to car)

RY: *drops one of the spoons walking to the the rice-rocket mobile*
JW: What?! God's taking it away.
RY: That's right. When you're not a good steward of what God gives you, He'll take it away.
JW: Yeah, like if you bury your talents in the ground.

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